The Project

How SEAFAIRER strengthens Europe´s role in advanced biofuel technologies.

From feedstock sourcing to real-world testing in an ocean vessel – SEAFAIRER covers the biofuel value chain from well-to-wake.

Launched in September 2024 with a budget of €10 million, SEAFAIRER is a 4-year Horizon Europe project that brings together 10 partners from 7 countries.


The objective of SEAFAIRER is to demonstrate the production of improved intermediate biofuels, targeting the decarbonisation of maritime shipping, using an innovative thermochemical conversion process, developed and patented by Fraunhofer.

The SEAFAIRER project will collect, characterise and process 3 biomass feedstocks:

Rice husk

SEAFAIRER sources rice husk from the Comunidad Valenciana in Spain

Valencia region

Biowaste sieving material

SEAFAIRER sources biowaste sieving material from Bavaria, in Germany

Bavaria in Germany

Agave bagasse

SEAFAIRER sources residual agave bagasse from Jalisco in Mexico

Southern Mexico

Our process will convert the biomass through a single-stage intermediate pyrolysis and post-reforming process into:


Biochar is a natural carbon sink, thus generating carbon removal credits, and is recognised as an effective soil amendment and organic fertiliser.

Raw oil
(intermediate biofuel)

This is the intermediate biofuel, which classifies as a biocrude. Thanks to the superior technological process, this raw oil enables the decarbonisation of maritime shipping.


The process gas, also known as syngas, is rich in hydrogen and is partly (ca. 50%) recirculated into the unit to enable an energy self-sufficient process. The exceeding gas (ca. 50%) has several energy and industrial applications.

Raw Oil

(Advanced biofuel)

The biofuel, which is the focus of the project, then engages in two different pathways:

Pathway A

(No upgrading)
Direct use of advanced biofuel, validated by engine and component testing at FVTR

Pathway B

(Minor upgrading)

Integration of intermediate biofuel in existing refinery infrastructure by Galp

Value chain